Friday, November 12, 2010


One of the things that I strangely like the most about Amateur Radio is the lack of a picture. Years ago, I hosted a weekly AM Radio broadcast. I always enjoyed having nothing but my imagination with which to paint the picture of my audience. So it is with Ham Radio. My mind fills in the blanks… and just so you know, everyone I talk to is young, healthy, and good looking…. Just like me!

In an effort to allow you to get a more detailed picture, I thought it might be fun to post a little personal “bio”.

I married my high school sweetheart; we’ve been together for 36 years. Because I so very much like to “screw” with people, I will normally introduce her as “my first wife”. I love to watch people’s expressions as they try to figure out what I mean. We have 2 daughters and currently 4 grandkids. Our most recent granddaughter was the 2009 American Heart Association Heart Child. You can read her amazing “story” at

I have spent the last 23 years as a Pastor. This has afforded us with many rewarding friendships and challenges. Our first Church was what they call a “pioneer” Church; which means there were no people. We went to a community, found a vacant building, and started from scratch. Those first years really were some of the very best years of my life.

I have never been one of those people who likes to set around and watch… I like to do. Over the years I have enjoyed the opportunity to pursue several different challenges. Although I am not current, I hold a Private Pilot’s Licence. I am a Certified Underwater Diver. I have been both a Journeyman Meat Cutter and a Journeyman Tool and Die Maker. I enjoy slalom water skiing and boating… Piloting an 88 ft Houseboat on Lake Cumberland is one of my favorite summer vacations. I enjoy riding my motorcycle… I really enjoy this. Riding the “Tail of the Dragon – 318 curves in 11 miles” was a ton of fun. During the Summer of ’09, I enjoyed completing my first “Iron Butt” ride: 1000 miles in 24 hrs. I would one day like to attempt the “Coast to Coast in 50” ride; Jacksonville to San Diego in 50 hours!

Oh, I almost forgot... I often ride with the "Patriot Guard Riders" . If you happen to pass by a funeral for a fallen veteran, look for me standing there among the gnarly, scruffy, leather-clad bikers.

So whether it is Skydiving in a 120 mph Wind Tunnel, or butchering a calf on a Jamaican hillside, or riding on some twisted mountain road… I am willing to give just about anything a try, my primary goal is to NEVER have an “empty” Bucket List.

However, if you find me on the Radio, you will probably find me handling traffic. This has given me a very simple and enjoyable way to expand both my knowledge and experience. It has given me the “challenge” that my mind needs. It also gives me a great way to disconnect from the many pressures that I handle on most days. I absolutely love passing traffic on HF when conditions are horrible. Turn up the QRN, QRM, and QSB… I am QRV. Ultimately, it gives me the ability to build a network of reliable “radio” friendships, that when (not if) the communication infrastructure collapses, I will be able to communicate with my family which is scattered across the midwest.

I owe a tremendous “THANKS” to Morley / N8JU, who helped with that all important first licensing test… Thanks to Morley’s friends who helped him help me… Thanks to Jeff / WB8WKQ, who has made room for me, and helped me advance my skills. Thanks to Ben / K8KV, who has no idea how much he inspires me. Others like AF8CS, WB8FBG, and KC8SFH… the list is a long one and I know there are others whose call sign is missing; thanks for your encouragement.

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